Saturday, August 27, 2011

I just....

So yeah, having feelings for someone at such a critical time right now is a very very difficult thing to cope with >.< With another 37 days till my big exam, I seriously do not need this problem around to bug me.
Lol. Other than that, my teacher "retired" from school teachings and decided to go on studying at UKM in Bangi. I'm going to miss him very much ;_; But then again, if it's a quest for knowledge, then I might as well support him in his bid to learn XD.

Anyway -.- My online gaming addiction has been completely wiped out so I can stop anytime I want XD. And it's such a good time to have this with me. Now I can study without thinking about games :D Unless my friends invite me to go do something stupid -.- Then I don't mind xD. No difference in class sometimes ._. Learning makes me yawn :P
...I miss my cat T . T

And I'd like to thank my childhood friends Farid, Benjamin, Sean and Xion for bringing me for a tour around KL yesterday xD. It was a shame you guys had to leave early :P Good game of bowling though XD. I sucked ._. And the game of SA XD. Who's idea was it to set up a Knife Match anyway -.-  白痴